pehmekaaneline / eesti ja inglise keelne / 8,00
"Kratt on eesti folklooris nõiduslik olend, kes tule- ja sädemetejoana taevas ringi lennates võõrast vara kokku kannab. Selleks, et Kratti enese tarvis tööle panna, tuleb ta käepärastest vahenditest ise teha ja seejärel ellu äratada. Krati elustamiseks tuleb sõlmida leping vanakuradiga ning loovutada selle eest kolm tilka verd ja oma hing."
"Kratt is a magical creature in Estonian folklore, which flies around in the sky as a squirt of fire sparkles and carries stolen property to its master. In order to make the Kratt work for the master, it is made of available material and revived thereafter. In order to revive the Kratt, you have to make a contract with the devil by giving the latter three drops of blood and your soul."
pehmekaaneline / eesti ja inglise keelne / 8,00
"Kratt on eesti folklooris nõiduslik olend, kes tule- ja sädemetejoana taevas ringi lennates võõrast vara kokku kannab. Selleks, et Kratti enese tarvis tööle panna, tuleb ta käepärastest vahenditest ise teha ja seejärel ellu äratada. Krati elustamiseks tuleb sõlmida leping vanakuradiga ning loovutada selle eest kolm tilka verd ja oma hing."
"Kratt is a magical creature in Estonian folklore, which flies around in the sky as a squirt of fire sparkles and carries stolen property to its master. In order to make the Kratt work for the master, it is made of available material and revived thereafter. In order to revive the Kratt, you have to make a contract with the devil by giving the latter three drops of blood and your soul."